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649 Ramsey Dr
Jersey Shore, PA, 17740
United States


We offer two rental cabins in Pine Creek Valley Pennsylvania. We are located 3 miles downstream from Waterville PA in Ramsey Village. Our cabins are located next to Pine Creek and the 64 mile rails to trails. Our location offers the perfect outdoor getaway.

Creek Access

This is our community creek access that is next to Cabin #1/#2. Feel free to utilize this area during your stay for swimming, picknicking, fishing or kayaking.

Just stay to the left of the PRIVATE PROPERTY sign and walk down to the Community access area.

Just stay to the left of the PRIVATE PROPERTY sign and walk down to the Community access area.

Keep walking until you see the small road.

Keep walking until you see the small road.

Large area for swimming, kayaking, and fishing.

Large area for swimming, kayaking, and fishing.

Tiadaghton State forest is just on the other side of Pine Creek. 

Tiadaghton State forest is just on the other side of Pine Creek.