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649 Ramsey Dr
Jersey Shore, PA, 17740
United States


We offer two rental cabins in Pine Creek Valley Pennsylvania. We are located 3 miles downstream from Waterville PA in Ramsey Village. Our cabins are located next to Pine Creek and the 64 mile rails to trails. Our location offers the perfect outdoor getaway.


Pine Creek Valley Rentals



Nestled between Pine Creek and the 64 mile Rail Trail lies Ramsey Village. A quiet community that is surrounded by Tiadaghton State forest and provides easy access to kayaking, fishing, hunting, hiking, biking and more. Located 3 miles downstream from the town of Waterville, Pine Creek Valley Rentals will provide the perfect outdoors getaway. 

Pine Creek Valley Cabins


Cabin #1  has two bedrooms and two full bathrooms, air conditioning, a spacious living room with dining area, fully furnished kitchen, large covered front deck, gas grill, fire ring and a living room tv with basic cable and dvd player. This cabin rents for $800.00/week or $135.00/night. Two night minimum, please no pets.

Cabin #2 will sleep four with a queen bed and a cozy sleeping loft. It has one full bath, furnished kitchenette, air conditioning, and basic cable tv with dvd player. Outside there is a charcoal grill, fire ring and picnic table. This cabin rents for $525.00/week or $85.00/night. Two night minimum, please no pets.